
We will soon launch new exciting offers for you.keep visiting.

Today's offer ADVERTISE WITH US JUST FOR  50 paisa PER day* (Site launching offer,valid for one month)

Complete this form at the end of this page to order a service.We will contact you soon to confirm the order.We will send you an email regarding the rates and other terms.Don't worry you can anytime cancel an order just by an email.

NOTE:This faclitiy is available for a minimum period of 30 days.There is no maximum date.You can renew our subscription after 30 days or select a plan which is above 30 days at a time.

Other Offers: 
Important:Price of the Ads change with change in dimensions and change in positions.
ADVERTISE WITH US JUST FOR   1 rupee PER day*(Ads placed on 2 pages)    
Advertise with us today just for rs.1 per day.Your Ads will be placed on 2 static pages which most of the users should pay the amount rs.30 for one month at a time. (type 1 rupee ad in contact form)
ADVERTISE WITH US JUST FOR  1.50 rupee PER day*(Ads placed on 3 pages)
Advertise with us today just for rs.1.50 per day.Your Ads will be placed on 3 static pages which most of the users should pay the amount rs.45 for one month at a time.(type 1.50 rupee ad in contact form)
ADVERTISE WITH US JUST FOR  2 rupee PER day*(Ads placed on 4 pages)     
Advertise with us today just for rs.2 per day.Your Ads will be placed on 4 static pages which most of the users should pay the amount rs.60 for one month at a time.(type 2 rupee ad in contact form)
ADVERTISE WITH US JUST FOR  3 rupee PER day*(Ads placed on 6 pages)     
Advertise with us today just for rs.3 per day.Your Ads will be placed on 6 static pages which most of the users should pay the amount rs.90 for one month at a time.(type 3 rupee ad in contact form)
ADVERTISE WITH US JUST FOR  3 rupee PER day*(Flash Ads placed on 1 page)
Advertise with us today just for rs.3 per day.Your Ads will be placed on 1 static page which most of the users should pay the amount rs.90 for one month at a time. Here you will be able to add a flash Ad in our site.We will place it in a page which has got more visitors such as our services page.(type 3 rupee flash ad in contact form)
Advertise with us today just for rs.5 per day.Your Ads will be placed on every static pages(one ad per page).you should pay the amount rs.150 for one month at a time.You can add flash Ads or ordinary ads according to your wish.(type 5 rupee ad in contact form)
If you subscribe for a 2 year plan we will post your ad(only one)in the flash player of our home page  for  30 days.(type 5 rupee 2 year ad in contact form)

*Conditions apply